We currently do not allow WCNet users to create and use their own custom CGI scripts
because of the potential negative impact such scripts can
have on both the performance, stability, and security of our web server. However, we have
tried to supply some standard scripts that any subscriber can use in conjunction with
his/her home page.
WCNet supports the PHP scripting language for server-side scripting. Instructions are
beyond the scope of the getting started pages. For a tutorial in
PHP go to the
PHP Tutorial at
A "hit counter" or simply a "counter" is a graphic which
displays the approximate number of visitors to a given web page (or group of
pages). See the counter page for more info on installing
a counter in your page.
MailMerge (used for Guest Books and Feedback Forms)
MailMerge is a program which allows you to put a form on your web page (like a Feedback
Form, or maybe a Guestbook), collect what the user types, and then e-mail the results